Discover the coast from a totally new perspective; this tremendously exciting activity gives groups the chance to explore the craggy headlands and bays of Anglesey, traversing sideways along the rocky shores and cliffs. Participants will learn about climbing and scrambling skills as they go along, they will probably have to use ropes at some stage and may even use Tyrolean traverses or other rope systems to bypass difficulties. There may even be an opportunity at times to appreciate the ruggedness of the coastal landscape and perhaps look at how some plants and animals have adapted to live in this turbulent and harsh environment.
This is an activity that can be enjoyed in all kinds of conditions, whether warm or cold, raining or dry; kitted out as you will be with waterproofs, helmets and buoyancy aids; sometimes using wetsuits to keep warm. The more adventurous will certainly enjoy the chance to get soaked, perhaps there may be an opportunity to jump into some deep water. It is a fantastic adventurous activity in a dynamic changing environment which truly emphasises the need for effective group cooperation and teamwork. A peak educational experience is often possible, leading to a memorable sense of achievement.
We have access to many varied venues along the coastline of Anglesey, allowing Mountain Water Expeditions staff to match a suitable venue to the age and ability of the group.
All safety equipment is provided and lead by a qualified instructor. A detailed itinerary will be provided prior to the visit.
Further course details will be provided once booked onto the course.