I’ve always been drawn to the outdoors and from a young age my parents would take me out for walks and birdwatching, both had a strong interest in our native flora and fauna which they passed on to me and my siblings.
On leaving school I went to work with horses gaining my British Horse Society Stage 1 and later combined this with a number of years as a nanny on a farm in Bedfordshire.
I then went on to have my own children (3) and lived on a smallholding for a few years while they were little.
Over the last few years as my children have got older I have been able to get out and enjoy some of the activities that had so far escaped me, mountain walking, cycling, climbing to name a few.
Paddling has become one of my favourite pastimes, recently buying my own canoe for some solo paddling. I have also completed my mine leader level 1 and am regularly working for a company taking groups on trips underground.
I am also a keen photographer having photos accepted into international salons and used in caving calendars. More recently I have become involved with D of E thoroughly enjoying spending time with young people who are getting out and experiencing the outdoors.
Mountain Training Lowland Leader
Mountain Training Expedition Module
LCLMA Mine Leader – Level 1
LCLMA Mine Leaders – Leader 2 Training
British Horse Society – Stage 1
British Horse Society – Stage 2 Care & Management
British Horse Society – Riding & Road Safety
REC Outdoor First Aid – 16hrs